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General informations - Zabala

Zabola is one of the most populated villages of Kovasna county, it is situated at the feet of the Haromszek mountains, on the area of the former Orbiaszek. This historical village is located in a U shaped village, along the stream called by the same name, 12 km from Kezdivasarhely, 8 km from Kovaszna and 20 km from the center of the county, Sepsiszentgyorgy. The surrounding mountains are covered with extensive woods, which offer home to a huge variety of wildlife. Administratively Szekelypetofalva, Szorcse and Szekelytamasfalva also belong to Zabola.

The earliest written document about Zabola is from 1466. According to tradition its name comes from “zab olaja” (the oil of rye) or from the fortress near the village which was built as a prison for robbers. The village played an important role in the life of the Sekler community, the National meeting of 1466 was held here. The history of Zabola is closely connected to the history of the Mikes family, the members of which were talented politicians and soldiers. This is also the birthplace of Duke Miko Imre, the “Szechenyi of Transylvania” and of Duke Mikes Kelemen who was a captain in Admiral Bem’s army during the Independence War of 1848/49. He died at the ambush of Nagyszeben.



 Szekelypetofalva is situated north from Szorcse, this village also belongs to Zabola. It is an old Hungarian inhabited settlement, this fact is proved by the findings at the explored popular graveyard in the southern part of the village. The objects found here are from the 12th and 13th century, similar to the ones from the age of the Arpadhaz. Petofalva was the only serf village of Haromszek. Its people were the serfs of the Mikes family and they were freed in 1848.

There is no written document left about the existence of the medieval church in the middle of the village, but it is a fact that up until 1711 the vestry of the present church served as a worship place for the Roman Catholic perish of this small village. Then they built the present church in respect to St. Francis of Assisi. The altar picture about St. Francis was made in 1762. In 1823 there were made some major changes in the building

And in 1825 they built a tower to it. In the same year the organ balcony was finished too, the organ is from Kolonics Istvan's workshop, supposedly it was made by the craftsman just before his death in 1891. There are two bells in the tower: the bigger was made in respect to the patron saint of the church and the smaller one in respect to the Holy Mother. Children are educated in an elementary school. Petofalva is famous for its mineral water, which has been known for its medical effect for centuries. The Bubbling bath which can be found by the border of the village was already popular with tourists back in the 1800s. It was visited by local people with rheumatism as well as people from far away places, because, according to the old wise, this water was wonder cure for all kinds of rheumatic diseases. The bath existed only in the memory of the locals for many years but in 2008 the community decided to revive it with the help of the local government and the assistance of the sister settlements, business people and experts, so today the bath functions again. There were built two oak framed pools, a 4x4 meters sized and a 2x3 meters sized, the second one especially for children.

The bath is enriched with elements of Swedish and Finish bath culture: there is a sauna with wood heating suitable for eight-ten people, and there is a changing room too. On the wall of the building we can read detailed information about the medical effects of the water and visitors are offered with minute description of the history of the village. On the inauguration of the new bath there was great festivity organized by the local authorities. The feast ended with a huge bath. The architectural and natural beauties of Zabola are of endless value and its history gives reason to its local people to be proud.



A village in the neighborhood of Tamasfalva, Szorcse supposedly had already been there in the age of Saint Istvan, but its firs written mentioning is from 1567. Its name comes from a noble man called Szorcse. The Szorcsei family used to own and live in this village for several centuries. One of the family's most important representative is Ferenc who fought together with Szekely Mozes in the battle of Brasso in 1603.

The inhabitants of Szorcse are Hungarians and of Calvinistic religion. The Reformed Church was established here back in 1663. Its old wooden church was pulled down and they built a new one in its place in 1840, this is the church we can find here in our days. Local people mainly earn they living from agriculture and animal breeding, their land has good quality soil especially suitable for growing potato in big amounts.

Due to the natural features of its surrounding angling tourism is getting more and more popular in this area. The Feketeugy stream, which can be found at the border of Szorcse provides water for the artificial fishing lake formed here by the locals. This spot is very popular with anglers as well as with families who like to have picnics by the lake. Every year, in the autumn they deploy the lakes with fish. Fish like pike, bass, tuffy minno, carp, bluegill, red – eye can be found here.



Tamasfalva is in the western direction from the center of the village. It got its name from its founder, the Tamasfalvi family. Tamas Gergely and Tamas Gyorgy had heroically fought in Zsigmond's army in 1425, against the Turkish. For this heroic act they received nobility and land, on which they established the village of Tamasfalva. For 179 years Tamasfalva was the home of the Tamasfalvi family. After the death of all successors the land was owned by the Thury and then by the Banyai family. The Thury family's castle is a monument which was transformed into a culture centre in the 1970s.

Most of Tamasfalva's inhabitants are members of the Reformed church. Mainly they earn their living from agriculture and animal breeding because the land by the stream Feketeugy is a very good quality working land. In the village there is a school with both elementary and secondary levels.



The village Pava is a smaller settlement which has become the southern part of Zabola by now. At the administrative reform of the country from 1968, the village was declared part of Zabola.

The name of the village is supposed to have originated from the fact that there very many peacocks in this area. (pava= peacock). In the time of the Principate, this village was famous for its hawk breeding. In 1635 there were 17 hawk breeder families registered, the most famous ones were the Marti family and the Gal family. The hawk breeders did not have to pay taxes and did not have to serve in the army, but they had to send hawks trained for hunting to the Prince. The legendary cliff that stands above the village, named Solyomko or Somko refers to the late home of the hawks. (solyom= hawk) An other famous family in the history of the village was that of the Vajnas, who was given the noble title by Prince Bethlen Gabor in 1621. The members of the Vajna family had important role in the science life of Transylvania.

The inhabitants of Pava are of Reformed Church religion, their church was built to look the way it looks today in 1902. It was originally built in the 14th century, the ruin of the old church wall is standing near the tower. In the north-eastern wall of the sanctuary we can find the grave of the Marti family, with a peacock, a flail and a sward on their coat of arms. The stone pulpit was made in 1763. Its organ was made by Kolonics Istvan.

We have data about the local education from 1768, at that time children were taught at the religious school, which was transformed into village school in 1874. Nowadays children are educated in an elementary school here.

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