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General informations - Zagon

It lies in the south-eastern corner of Felsőháromszék Basin. It has got a population of 4,092 people. There are 2,237 Hungarians from them.

The village has its reputation because of its famous son Kelemen Mikes, who grew up with the Transylvanian prince Ferenc Rákóczi II and later he went into hiding with him. The ruins of the house where Kelemen Mikes was born are signed with a monument in Mikes garden. You can find Mikes oaks in the garden too. According to the tradition these oaks could ‘see’ Mikes as a child, how he played under them.
His memorial-room was destroying between 1995 and 1997 and it can be found in Mikes mansion.

The history of the village started later than the other villages in the region. Archaeological findings show when it came into being. The names of the settlements show the history of the area. The settlements are Tartar’s corner, Small danger, Big danger these names show the Turkish and Tartar invasions.
The first written document is from 1567, when the houses and inhabitants were counted. There were 51 gates and 250-300 people. On 1st August in 1602 they counted 74 inhabitants who served as soldiers and three noble families: György Mikes, Péter Jankó and István Deák and they wrote 50 free Székelys too.

Manyi Kiss the famous actress, who got Kossuth Prize and Jászai Prize, spend her childhood in the village. You can see her memorial relics in József Varga’s private museum.



It lies north-east of Zágon, in the valley of Hétpatak, it is inhabited by Hungarians and Romanians. The looks of lower part of the village is mainly determined by the Reformed church built between 1895-96 in Neogothic style. There used to be another church in the same place before, but it was so damaged by earthquakes, that it had to be demolished.

The Orthodox congregation has two churches. The small wooden church, considered to be monument, was transported to the settlement from Zágon in 1814. Its bell if often used as, due to local beliefs, it keeps hail away. The construction of the new church was started in 1937 and finished in 1946 and 1947. The patron saint of both churches is Szent Piroska.

The outstanding names in the history of the village are: Hussar Kiss Sándor (1809—1849), defendant of the Tömösi Strait, Barabás Samu (1855—1940) historian and ethnographer, editor of the 8th Volume of the Sekler Archives. Writer Domokos Géza (1930--2007), director of the Kriterion Publishing House, founder and first president of the Democratic Association of Hungarians from Romania, spent longer time in his house in Papolc towards the end of his life.

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