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Salt Gorge Praid
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Curiosity Praid
Salt Gorge Praid



46.542053, 25.118719

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1.2 km

51.8 km

54.3 km

Why is so special Salt Gorge Praid:
Salt - Gorge
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Not visitable at the moment
10.00 - 18.00

Presentation - Salt Gorge Praid

The Salt-Gorge came into being thanks to human help: in early times, the exploitation of salt resulted in residual sumps that filled up with rain, then started to dissolve, gradually turning into lake-chains. The gorge appeared in the valley situated between these lakes, the Corund-creek also sheering its course in the same direction.

Mud-baths have been renewed by collective work on the spot.

Among the crystalline rocks of these salt-mountains of Praid grows the common glasswort (Salicornia herbacea).

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Cholnoky Jenő Földrajzi Társaság
Group of friends June 24 2012, 7:32
Un traseu cu tăbliţe infomrative în 3 limbi, cu băi tradiţionale de nămol mineral pe traseu. Excelent. Curăţenie, linişte, stânci şi forme de sare extraordinare.  
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