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Bucovina Village Museum Suceava

Ethnography and anthropology museum Suceava
Bucovina Village Museum Suceava


Aleea Cetăţii

47.642542, 26.271995

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2.2 km

140.1 km

7.8 km

Why is so special Bucovina Village Museum Suceava:
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Presentation - Bucovina Village Museum Suceava

The museum itself was established in 1995 and now owns 53 folk buildings from Bucovina: traditional wood houses, household annexes, craftsmen workshops, public edifices. At the hearth of the Village Museum, a wood church and bell tower, dated 1783, was rebuilt, where religious services are being performed on major Orthodox holydays.
The interiors of the houses and annexes are exhibition spaces in themselves, as each of them are designed so that they would faithfully portray the traditional way of life in the region: furniture, interior textiles, folk costumes, everyday objects.
A touch of originality is rendered by recreations of the most important events in a lifetime: the christening of the new born baby, the wedding and the funeral.
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