From the very old times there have been a spiritual life in Hangu. There was first The Solitary Hermitage, founded in the XVth century. Rebuilt in the XVIth century by the Pious Peon, it becomes a monastery of monks community, having its dedication day the one of The Holy Ghost Descent. In 1639 the monastery is rebuilt by the cup-bearer Gheorghe Coci. Later he becomes a succursal monastery of Alexandria Patriarchate, and, after the secularization of the monastery’s wealth, it becomes a chrism church.
the Hangu area also existed Buhalniţa Monastery caleed Hangu Hermitage with its dedication day of Mother of God’Entrance in the Church. It was rebuilt in 1627 by Miron Barnovski. From the XXth century it becomes a chrism church. The Abbot of Bistriţa Monastery, the Archimandrite Ciprian Zaharia wanted to revive the monastic life in Hangu, he refounded the hermitage in 1998. A monks community is formed, and, under Abbot Justin Măzăreanu’s lead and the believers’ help, in 1999 the building started.
After 1640, the voivod Vasile Lupu (1634-1653) endwed the monastery with wide estates, miils and lakes, transforming it in one of the most prospere settlement of Moldavia.
A small chapel and a shelter for living people were also built there.
2 living humans, community life
Dedication day: Acoperamantul Maicii Domnului, Cuviosul Pahomie cel Mare
Abbot: hierommonk Iustin Mazarianu