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Ceahlău Mountain Monastery Bicaz

Monastery Bicaz
Ceahlău Mountain Monastery Bicaz


Pe Muntele Ceahlău

46.965654, 25.944535

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Presentation - Ceahlău Mountain Monastery Bicaz

he Monastery of Ceahlău Mountain is situated on Ceahlău Mountain, at an altitude of 1700 m, nearby Dochia Chalet.

From the oldest times, around Ceahlău Mountain there were numerous hermitages or caves with hermits, monks and nuns. Some of them were distroyed by the fire, by the snow avalanches or by the rocks fallen over them. Only Monastery Durău survived over those times. The nuns hermitages are known from the speciality works: Casiana Ceahlău, - from the XVIIIth century – and abolished in the XIXth century; Răpciuni Ceahlău, with the festival of Saint John the Theologue, founded at the beginning of the XVIIIth century; Sofia Ceahlău, from the XVIIIth century, abolished in the XIXth century. For the monks, there were the hermitages: Saint Archangels Mihail and Gavriil – Răpciuni, founded before 1773, the transformed in parish in the XIXth century; Gura Bicazului, begun in the XIX th century, now vanished;The Saint Trinity from the Hills under Ceahlău, founded in 1599 by Ieremia Movilă, also vaished. By the time passing, in Ceahlău area only the Monastery of Durău survived.

In the year 1992, The Bioshop of Moldavia and Bucovina, Daniel, initiated the founding of Ceahlău Monastery, being the main founder of the place. The establishment is built on a hill of the mountain which is surrounded by huge rocks. Near the Monastery there also were Dochia Chalet and the metheorology station Ceahlău – Toaca.

The building necessary materials were transported with the help of Romanian Army helicopters. In August 1993, the church building is finished. In the porch, above the front door of the ante-temple there is the marble rotive stone on which it is related the whole history of the monastery: "With Father’s will, the Son’s help and the Holly Ghost’s work, this holly monastery was built with the festival “ The Changing of the Face” and “ The Real-faithful Stephan the Great and Holly” in the memory of the monks and nuns who lived in these places along the times, ascending Heaven by praying on Moldavia land, and raising the people’s souls in the kingdom of God"

It is situated in Ceahlău village, Neamţ county;
It was built in the year 1993;
Ity has the name of “ The Changing of the Face” festival and also of Stephan the Great and Holly”;
It is opened to the tourists without visiting fee.


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