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Railway guide - Busteni

TRAIN TYPE TRAIN NO. ROUTE ARRIVAL Departure from the station
ACCELERAT 1742 Satu Mare 17:05 - Carei 17:34 - Valea lui Mihai 18:01 - Săcuieni Bihor 18:20 - Oradea 19:02 - Bratca 20:04 - Piatra Craiului 20:16 - Ciucea 20:28 - Huedin 20:52 - Cluj Napoca 21:48 - Războieni 23:16 - Aiud 23:34 - Teius 23:49 - Blaj 0:13 - Copşa Mică 0:42 - Mediaş 0:54 - Sighişoara 1:36 - Rupea 2:26 - Braşov 3:27 - Predeal 4:07 - Buşteni  4:30 - Ploieşti Vest 5:42 - Bucureşti Nord 6:27  04:30 17:05
PERSONAL 3012 Predeal 4:30 - Buşteni  4:46 - Buda 6:02 - Ploieşti Vest 6:10 - Ploieşti Sud 6:17 - Bucureşti Nord 7:46  04:46 04:30
ACCELERAT 1644 Sighetu Marmaţiei 17:39 - Valea Vişeului 18:15 - Vişeu de Jos 19:22 - Salva 21:15 - Beclean pe Someş 21:52 - Sărăţel 22:32 - Deda 23:22 - Gherorgheni 1:19 - Izvoru Oltului 1:50 - Siculeni 2:11 - Miercurea Ciuc 2:22 - Băile Tuşnad Hm 2:50 - Sfântu Gheorghe 3:29 - Braşov 4:02 - Predeal 4:42 - Buşteni  5:07 - Ploieşti Vest 6:19 - Bucureşti Nord 7:06  05:07 17:39
PERSONAL 3023 Ploieşti Sud 4:50 - Ploieşti Vest 4:57 - Buda 5:05 - Buşteni  6:26 - Predeal 6:45 - Braşov 7:24  06:26 04:50
PERSONAL 3002 Braşov 6:15 - Predeal 6:53 - Buşteni  7:11 - Buda 8:38 - Ploieşti Vest 8:46 - Brazi 8:58 - Bucureşti Nord 10:18  07:11 06:15
INTERCITY 536 Braşov 6:35 - Predeal 7:03 - Buşteni  7:19 - Ploieşti Vest 8:22 - Bucureşti Nord 9:07 07:19 06:35
PERSONAL 3025 Ploieşti Sud 5:54 - Ploieşti Vest 6:01 - Buda 6:09 - Buşteni  7:32 - Predeal 7:49  07:32 05:54
RAPID 825 Bucureşti Nord 6:30 - Ploieşti Vest 7:10 - Buşteni  8:12 - Predeal 8:30 - Braşov 8:59 - Făgăraş 10:11 - Ucea 10:32 - Avrig 10:54 - Sibiu 11:30 08:12 06:30
ACCELERAT 1745 Bucureşti Nord 7:08 - Ploieşti Vest 7:48 - Buşteni  8:53 - Predeal 9:08 - Braşov 9:40 - Augustin 10:37 - Rupea 11:12 - Sighişoara 12:01 - Mediaş 12:35 - Copşa Mică 12:48 - Blaj 13:15 - Teius 13:35 - Aiud 13:48 - Războieni 14:08 - Cluj Napoca 15:16 - Dej Călători 16:24 - Jibou 17:57 - Ulmeni Sălaj 18:36 - Baia Mare 19:08 - Satu Mare 20:34  08:53 07:08
PERSONAL 3024 Braşov 8:05 - Predeal 8:43 - Buşteni  8:58 - Buda 10:16 - Ploieşti Vest 10:27 - Ploieşti Sud 10:37  08:58 08:05
RAPID 831 Bucureşti Nord 7:30 - Ploieşti Vest 8:10 - Buşteni  9:18 - Predeal 9:34 - Braşov 10:13 09:18 07:30
PERSONAL 3001 Bucureşti Nord 6:16 - Brazi 7:28 - Ploieşti Vest 7:56 - Buda 8:04 - Buşteni  9:32 - Predeal 9:56 - Braşov 10:37  09:32  6:16 
RAPID 901 Bucureşti Nord 8:30 - Ploieşti Vest 9:10 - Buşteni  10:08 - Predeal 10:24 - Braşov 10:55  10:08 08:30
PERSONAL 3003 Bucureşti Nord 7:36 - Ploieşti Vest 8:32 - Buda 8:40 - Buşteni  10:15 - Predeal 10:31  10:15 07:36
RAPID 902 Braşov 10:00 - Predeal 10:27 - Buşteni  10:47 - Ploieşti Vest 12:06 - Bucureşti Nord 13:01  10:47 10:00
PERSONAL 3026 Predeal 10:45 - Buşteni  11:01 - Buda 12:35 - Ploieşti Vest 12:45 - Ploieşti Sud 12:54  11:01 10:45
RAPID 731 Galaţi 6:41 - Făurei 7:53 - Buzău 8:50 - Ploieşti Sud 9:47 - Buşteni  11:04 - Predeal 11:19 - Braşov 12:04  11:04  6:41
INTERCITY 537 Bucureşti Nord 9:30 - Ploieşti Vest 10:10 - Buşteni  11:26 - Predeal 11:48 - Braşov 12:26  11:26 09:30
INTERCITY 534 Cluj Napoca 5:31 - Teius 7:12 - Blaj 7:36 - Mediaş 8:13 - Sighişoara 8:52 - Braşov 10:49 - Predeal 11:27 - Buşteni  11:42 - Ploieşti Vest 12:51 - Bucureşti Nord 13:34 11:42 05:31
ACCELERAT 1621 Bucureşti Nord 9:38 - Ploieşti Vest 10:19 - Buşteni  11:45 - Predeal 12:01 - Braşov 12:41 - Făgăraş 14:04 - Ucea 14:29 - Avrig 14:51 - Sibiu 15:28 - Sălişte 16:12 - Vinţu de Jos 17:20 - Sibot 17:39 - Simeria 18:09 - Deva 18:22 - Ilia 18:45 - Margina 19:31 - Lugoj 20:24 - Buziaş 20:55 - Timişoara Nord 21:38  11:45 09:38
RAPID 903 Bucureşti Nord 10:30 - Ploieşti Vest 11:20 - Buşteni  12:31 - Predeal 12:49 - Braşov 13:22 12:31 10:30
RAPID 905 Bucureşti Nord 11:32 - Ploieşti Vest 12:12 - Buşteni  13:13 - Predeal 13:33 - Braşov 14:03  13:13 11:32
RAPID 904 Braşov 12:27 - Predeal 12:54 - Buşteni  13:16 - Ploieşti Vest 14:18 - Bucureşti Nord 15:01 13:16 12:27
PERSONAL 3004 Braşov 12:42 - Predeal 13:21 - Buşteni  13:43 - Buda 15:08 - Ploieşti Vest 15:17 - Brazi 15:31 - Bucureşti Nord 16:31  13:43 12:42
RAPID 832 Braşov 14:15 - Predeal 14:42 - Buşteni  14:59 - Ploieşti Vest 16:00 - Bucureşti Nord 16:41  14:59 14:15
PERSONAL 3006 Braşov 14:24 - Predeal 15:01 - Buşteni  15:19 - Buda 16:46 - Ploieşti Vest 16:56 - Brazi 17:09 - Bucureşti Basarab 18:19  15:19 14:24
RAPID 906 Braşov 15:00 - Predeal 15:27 - Buşteni  15:45 - Ploieşti Vest 16:47 - Bucureşti Nord 17:31  15:45 15:00
RAPID 907 Bucureşti Nord 14:30 - Ploieşti Vest 15:10 - Buşteni  16:09 - Predeal 16:28 - Braşov 16:58  16:09 14:30
PERSONAL 3027 Ploieşti Sud 14:47 - Ploieşti Vest 14:54 - Buda 15:02 - Buşteni  16:37 - Predeal 16:55  16:37 14:47
ACCELERAT 1746 Satu Mare 5:07 - Baia Mare 6:28 - Ulmeni Sălaj 7:14 - Jibou 7:40 - Dej Călători 9:00 - Cluj Napoca 10:03 - Războieni 11:29 - Aiud 11:50 - Teius 12:05 - Blaj 12:29 - Copşa Mică 12:59 - Mediaş 13:11 - Sighişoara 13:53 - Rupea 14:43 - Augustin 15:09 - Braşov 15:47 - Predeal 16:27 - Buşteni  16:44 - Ploieşti Vest 17:53 - Bucureşti Nord 18:39  16:44 05:07
PERSONAL 3005 Bucureşti Nord 14:06 - Brazi 15:08 - Ploieşti Vest 15:22 - Buda 15:31 - Buşteni  16:55 - Predeal 17:14 - Braşov 18:05 - Feldioara 18:33  16:55 14:06
PERSONAL 3008 Braşov 16:10 - Predeal 16:47 - Buşteni  17:06 - Buda 18:39 - Ploieşti Vest 18:49 - Brazi 19:01 - Bucureşti Basarab 20:12  17:06 16:10
RAPID 732 Braşov 16:30 - Predeal 16:58 - Buşteni  17:13 - Ploieşti Vest 18:19 - Ploieşti Sud 18:28 - Buzău 19:29 - Făurei 20:29 - Galaţi 21:43  17:13 16:30
INTERCITY 538 Braşov 16:49 - Predeal 17:17 - Buşteni  17:36 - Ploieşti Vest 18:38 - Bucureşti Nord 19:24  17:36 16:49
ACCELERAT 1622 Timişoara Nord 8:23 - Buziaş 9:04 - Lugoj 9:48 - Margina 10:44 - Ilia 11:30 - Deva 11:48 - Simeria 12:00 - Sibot 12:31 - Vinţu de Jos 12:58 - Sălişte 14:05 - Sibiu 14:35 - Avrig 15:19 - Ucea 15:41 - Făgăraş 16:04 - Braşov 17:16 - Predeal 17:57 - Buşteni  18:15 - Ploieşti Vest 19:31 - Bucureşti Nord 20:17  18:15 08:23
PERSONAL 3007 Bucureşti Nord 15:37 - Brazi 16:41 - Ploieşti Vest 16:55 - Buda 17:03 - Buşteni  18:37 - Predeal 18:54 - Braşov 19:43  18:37 15:37
RAPID 908 Braşov 18:10 - Predeal 18:37 - Buşteni  18:57 - Ploieşti Vest 20:00 - Bucureşti Nord 20:43 18:57 18:10
PERSONAL 3014 Predeal 19:05 - Buşteni  19:20 - Buda 20:49 - Ploieşti Vest 20:58 - Brazi 21:11 - Bucureşti Basarab 22:28  19:20 19:05
ACCELERAT 1643 Bucureşti Nord 17:30 - Ploieşti Vest 18:13 - Buşteni  19:22 - Predeal 19:39 - Braşov 20:11 - Sfântu Gheorghe 21:05 - Băile Tuşnad Hm 21:47 - Miercurea Ciuc 22:14 - Siculeni 22:26 - Izvoru Oltului 22:47 - Gherorgheni 23:18 - Deda 1:17 - Sărăţel 2:21 - Beclean pe Someş 2:44 - Salva 3:27 - Vişeu de Jos 5:31 - Valea Vişeului 6:25 - Sighetu Marmaţiei 7:17 19:22 17:30
PERSONAL 3009 Bucureşti Basarab 17:52 - Brazi 18:58 - Ploieşti Vest 19:25 - Buda 19:36 - Buşteni  21:00 - Predeal 21:18 - Braşov 21:56  21:00 17:52
PERSONAL 3028 Feldioara 19:35 - Braşov 19:58 - Predeal 20:44 - Buşteni  21:03 - Buda 22:24 - Ploieşti Vest 22:33 - Ploieşti Sud 22:42  21:03 19:35
ACCELERAT 1741 Bucureşti Nord 19:30 - Ploieşti Vest 20:14 - Buşteni  21:27 - Predeal 21:43 - Braşov 22:15 - Rupea 23:22 - Sighişoara 0:11 - Mediaş 0:45 - Copşa Mică 0:58 - Blaj 1:24 - Teius 1:44 - Aiud 1:57 - Războieni 2:17 - Cluj Napoca 3:26 - Huedin 4:39 - Ciucea 5:03 - Piatra Craiului 5:16 - Bratca 5:28 - Oradea 6:27 - Săcuieni Bihor 7:14 - Valea lui Mihai 7:33 - Carei 8:00 - Satu Mare 8:30  21:27 19:30
INTERCITY 539 Bucureşti Nord 20:30 - Ploieşti Vest 21:11 - Buşteni  22:12 - Predeal 22:29 - Braşov 22:58 22:12 20:30
PERSONAL 3011 Bucureşti Basarab 19:59 - Brazi 21:10 - Ploieşti Vest 21:23 - Buda 21:32 - Buşteni  22:54 - Predeal 23:11 22:54 19:59
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