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Barn Theatre Eremitu
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Public institution Eremitu
Barn Theatre Eremitu


Călugăreni, Nr. 143

46.630991, 24.878003

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4.8 km

72.2 km

39.6 km

Why is so special Barn Theatre Eremitu:
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Closed now
8:00 - 24:00

Presentation - Barn Theatre Eremitu

The history of theatre in Mikháza dates back to the 17-18th century, when, according to the records, the local religious school’s pupils put on stage mostly liturgical drama, in Latin and Hungarian, with the support of the Franciscan monks. In 2002 a few actors initiated a summer festival, the Barn Theatre, hosted in the beginning in a crowded community centre. Later the event was moved to a new site: a completely rebuilt and enlarged barn. The annual cultural event taking place during summer (June – September) offers to the rural communities of the Niraj Valley living far from the cultural centres a buoyant cultural milieu. Its purpose is to preserve and revive the love and need for culture of the rural communities, to preserve traditions.
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