45.54982, 25.25515
show the phone number
Why is so special Curmatura Chalet Zarnesti:
Presentation - Curmatura Chalet Zarnesti
phone number from Curmatura hut is +40.745.454184. For any type
of informations about the hut, accommodation, meals, please feel free
to call Reta. This is the only way to have the right informations
about the hut! The
guardians from the hut are Reta and Vasile.
things: -
for any emergencies on the mountains please dial 112, free from any
phone network. You will be connected with The
Unique National System for Emergency,
and they can put you in contact with the rescue teams from the
mountains. - water source is outside of the hut, toilet is outside
of the hut
on winter time the rooms are heated with wood, but we advice you to
have a sleeping bag. On summer time the rooms are not heated. -
nearest train station is in Zarnesti town. - Curmatura hut is
situated on Piatra Craiului national park, and are not any garbage
dump at the hut, so you have to carry out from the mountain your
personal garbage. - generally speaking you will find water very
hard in
Piatra Craiului mountains, and is not any water on the main ridge of
this mountains. A source of water is situated near Curmatura hut, so
be sure that you have enough water when you leave from the hut. We
strongly advice you to use purifying pills for the water you collect
from natural sources.
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