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Kőlik Grotte Ojdula

Cave Ojdula
Kőlik Grotte Ojdula



45.963888, 26.318306

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5.4 km

41.0 km

69.1 km

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0:00 - 24:00

Présentation générale - Kőlik Grotte Ojdula

In the side of the CSIHÁNYOS mountain can be found the so- called slit caves.The typically deep form created by the wind in the sandstone is called "Kőlik" by the residents. Kónya Ádám mapped the cave in 1969, who wrote that Kőlik "dates back to the Paleogene period and was formed out of layered Carpathian sandstone along of a long crack." 

This narrow tunnel can reach the length of 45 meters; its height can be 5-7 meter high is some places, on its walls are sings of cave-writings.

According to one of the legends, the tunnel is so long that it reaches Moldavia  and people succeeded in escaping from the enemy at the time of the Tartar invasion.

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