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Bucovina Museum Suceava

Musée des sciences et d'histoire naturelle Suceava
Bucovina Museum Suceava


Stefan Cel Mare Rue, Nr. 33

47.643333, 26.259653

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Présentation générale - Bucovina Museum Suceava

Bucovina is a historical region in northern Romania, which was part of the administrative division of the Austrian Empire, from 1775 until 1918, when it united with modern Romania.
Bucovina Museum is a regional museum, founded in 1904 by the Austrian architect Karol A. Romstorfer, after excavating the ruins of the Royal Fortress in Suceava, in order to store the archaeological finds. The museum’s collections would soon grow richer.
Bucovina Museum is a cultural institution, organized into the following departments: Archaeology, History, Ethnography and Folk Art, Fine Arts, Memorial Houses, Natural Sciences, Conservation and Restoration, the Department for Monitoring the UNESCO Monuments, Archives and Library, Public relations and Administrative departments. More than 100 people are employed at the museum: museographers, restorers, conservators, researchers, as well as administrative staff and security.
The mission of the museum is to preserve and present to visitors, via permanent and temporary exhibitions and public programs, the history and culture of the region.
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