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In Memory Of Sandor Gaal Engineer Cernat

Monument Cernat
In Memory Of Sandor Gaal Engineer Cernat


Fosta Curie Vegh

45.960458, 26.031074

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Presentation - In Memory Of Sandor Gaal Engineer Cernat

The unmarked grave of the engineer and physicist Gaál Sándor was marked  with a wooden column on 13 October 2012, at the end of the garden of the former Végh mansion, at the foot of Kalacshegy in Alsócsernáton (Cernatul de Jos).

Few people know that the theory of the cyclotron resonance of the winner of the 1939 Nobel Prize for Physics, E.O. Lawrence, had already been worked our by a Transylvanian engineer much earlier. This polymath physicist was Gaál Sándor, born in Gógánváralja (Gogan Varolea), declared kulak in 1949. His property was confiscated and he was moved to a compulsion residence in Sepsiszentgyörgy (Sfântu Gheorghe). Since he had never founded a family, he was buried in Csernáton (Cernat) by his brother, the agricultural engineer Gaál József, at the bottom of his garden, according to the habit at that times. The wooden memorial column was carved by the sculptor Miholcsa József.

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