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Princely Palace Durau

Palace Durau
Princely Palace Durau


Com. Ceahlău

47.032987, 25.940566

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4.3 km

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55.4 km

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Presentation - Princely Palace Durau

 Located within the village Ceahlău, about 3 km road through the village of Hermitage, Princely Palace is today only ruins of this impressive monument. Just up from the Princely Palace Monastery is Durău and Ceahlau National Park.

  Its beginnings date back to the thirteenth century, when this place was built by the founder of a monastery that belonged to Sylvester Neamt Monastery. During Jeremiah mound will be called Hermitage Monastery Hermitage pawn after which it will become Hangu. In 1639, his brother Vasile Lupu, Gheorghe Hatmanul raises a stone church on the old hermitage, which will be endowed with large estates, strengthened and complemented during the XVII century.

  In 1791, Matei Cantacuzino obtain the title of Prince George Cantacuzino and high distinctions in imperial Russia, leading a legal battle for the monastery pawn. In 1840, despite efforts by the Metropolitan Veniamin Costache, princes Cantacuzino obtained property, and monks are forced to uproot from Schitişor.

Follow while they strengthened the church turns into a real farmyard fortified by changing the cells, the new annex building and strengthening the enclosure wall.

  Palace Cantacuzin period of brilliance from Hermitage lasted between 1840-1852 when he was visited by Wilhelm von Kotzebue and Alexandre Dumas. Spending excessively to maintain a fast nobility with which they have been taught and they lose Cantacuzino owe all properties. In 1852, Princely Palace is auctioned and bought by Smaranda Sturza, when the last page is written in its history. With time, farmyard begins to collapse, leaving just the story of this place today.

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